Loula's Homemade
Our Pies

Loula’s most unique and special product is their PIE!! Our little bakery makes “from scratch” 3000 – 4000 fruit pies each year. We use fresh or frozen fruits like Flathead cherries and wild huckleberries, no canned stuff! We have been nationally recognized for our great homemade pie in books, magazines and even on National Public Radio.
Tired of the usual?
Consider an arrangement of pies for your Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary, Family Reunion or anything else that suits your fancy.
These are our most common requests. If there is something Grandma used to make, let us know and we’ll give it a try.
- Huckleberry
- Huckleberry-Peach
- Huckleberry-Raspberry
- Huckleberry-Blackberry
- Huckleberry-Cherry
- Mixed Berry with Hucks
- Apple
- Apple Praline
- Dutch Apple
- Sour Cream Apple
- Cherry
- Cherry Struesel
- Coconut Cream
- Banana Cream
- Sour Cream Lemon
- Bourbon Pecan
- Pumpkin
- Peanut Butter Mousse
- Raspberry Cherry
- Raspberry Peach
- Raspberry Blackberry
- Blackberry Cherry
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